Nice lighting!!! Overall, I think this is a really good model that avoids a lot of amateur pitfalls. So many details really fall into place, I think.
However, here's a list of the details I think are out of place: The grass has an imperfection: excellent placement of the blades of grass, but it is clear that they are all duplicates of the same object, and real grass has more variation. The grass also seems to be translucent or maybe even iridescent, which isn't quite right either. The under-layer of dead grass, however, is spot on.
The texture on the boulder in the back is a good texture, but I think you need to adjust the UV mapping: it looks a little stretched in places. The creature design is very nice, but I do find the sharpness of the texture on the horn/claw/appendage things to be jarring compared with the smoother, softer tones of the skin and eyes. It might be a worthwhile to make the claw-things' texture less stark, i.e. make the darks lighter and the highlights darker. Also, the creature seems to be lit from the back, but there are shadows on the eggs from the front?
Keep polygoning.