Subjective logic and N²
There's one really big problem with these games. The first problem is that MY logic and YOUR logic don't always coincide. I'm a scientist, so I wanted "plutonium" + "boiler" = "nuclear power", but no go. Meanwhile, getting "radiation" uses the most random, unintuitive combo ever. There are dozens of such combos I would NEVER think of. So when I run out of "logical" choices based on my ideas, I'm reduced to trying *random* combos. For N elements, though, there are N*N/2 combos. In Episode 1, we started with 4 elements = 8 combos. Easy. As you progress, the element pool expands one element at a time, and you can keep up easily using your experience.
In this game, though, you *destroyed* our experience. We start with 124 elements!? Even just the "Void" + "x" combos require 123 attempts right off the bat. That's just too many. But THEN, you really screw us by including NEW combinations of OLD elements. That's over 10,000 combos of elements that we have to consider when "logic" stops producing results. I *might* entertain the idea if there were hotkeys, but as it stands this game gets dull fast when I can't reproduce your methodology.
In brief: How can this possibly be fun for people who can't read your mind?